Sunday, October 2, 2011

Role of Invasive Species in Survival of the Fittest


How this: 

may affect


        From an evolutionary perspective states that the most fit organisms adapt to the habitat and survive, as humans we should completely be concerned about invasive species. An invasive species is a non native species that is displacing a native species. The specie that enter an ecosystem and competes the native species, which can cause many types to become extinct and can destroy an ecosystem. We are concerned with these species because they compete other native plants which cause one of them to die off. We should definitely be concerned about invasive species because they act as intruders to the ecosystem which may affect the food chains and/ or food webs. According to natural selection only the survival of the fittest survive while if non-native species attack the habitat of the ecosystem, a competition will take place which will lead to depletion in one of the species, one can predict that there is a possibility that the alien species may be the survival of the fittest or that the survival of the fittest organism may have been once the fit organism but may not be able to adapt to the new environment, and may lead to it’s depletion. But some invasive species might be harmful to the survival of the fittest while on the other hand they can be helpful to the survival of the fittest too. 

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