Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Future prediction of Brazil's population

According to the current population status of Brazil, we can predict many changes in both long and short terms. In the next 15-20 years, I think that Brazil’s population will grow. Although, due to low fertility rate the population might decrease over a very long period of time. Brazilian life expectancy at birth increased from 44 to 68 years and the total fertility rate declined from 6.2 to 2.2 during 1950-2000. So, there will be more older citizens that children which will decrease the total population. This might take centuries unless there is something special that occurs like a war which is most unlikely to happen. After 50 or more years, I think that Brazil’s population growth model will become a zero growth and after more years a negative growth.
The population has a very big effect on the environment and economy of every country. Brazil will undergo the same economic and environmental impacts. The changes in the short term will be advantageous for the economy because it will provide strong labour force.  But in the long term, the labour force will weaken as there will be fewer amounts of upcoming workers while old workers retire. A benefit is that there will be no unemployment and higher salaries because of no competition. As a low population, less environmental resources will be utilized which may increase the economic status by exporting the resources. 

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