The criteria I chose for the invasive species were: the population, life span, growth rate, environment damage and natural enemies. I chose these criteria because they are the major points that could be used to determine which invasive specie is the 'worst.' If the specie has a large population with a big life span and a fast growth rate and damages the environment heavily with having least number of natural enemies, one could conclude that this specie would be the worst as it can be called 'invincible' specie. The following are the 5 species I chose that I thought would be the worst five. The following are not in the rated format but rather in a list format which are judged by the criteria followed by the link of information accessed from.
1. Acacia melanoxylon (tree)
Population N/A
Life Span: 15-50 years
Growth Rate Very Fast
Environment Damage Replaces native non-tree vegetation such as grassland and shrubland. This weed affects agricultural crops, natural habitats and ecosystems. 700 cattle were killed by a poisonous weed overnight.
Natural Enemies Dicranosterna semipunctata (tortoise beetle)
Population N/A
Life Span 30-40 years
Growth Rate High. Annual seed production is about 10 000 seeds per 1 square metre of canopy cover.
Environment Damage Seed are produced in large numbers and can survive fire, making it a competitive tree for native species.
Natural Enemies Coccidae (insects)
Population 200,000-300,000 in a mature RIFA colony.
Life Span Depends on size: Minor workers may live 30 to 60 days, media workers 60 to 90 days, major workers 90 to 180 days, and queens may live two to six years.
Growth Rate The average number of workers ants in a mature RIFA colony is 200,000-300,000 individuals and with no natural predator makes the growth rate high.
Environment Damage Causes severe, irreparable damages to economy/ecology as it has great damages which includes total crop losses(soyabean, citrus, corn), nursery infestations, livestock depletion and harm to human health (stings/allergic reactions).
Natural Enemies Two pathogens are: a protozoa Thelohania solenopsae and a fungus Beauveria bassiana
Population N/A
Life Span Laboratory studies showed that male and female Aedes mosquito survive an average of 20 to 30 days.
Growth Rate In high temperatures, there were high rates of population increase.
Environment Damage Aggressive biter that carries diseases which are harmful to humans, e.g. West Nile virus, yellow fever and dengue fever
Natural Enemies Other mosquito larvae, flatworms, swimming beetles, fungi, ciliates, paramecia, protozoans which act as parasites, predatory copepods and spiders are natural enemies to Asian tiger mosquitoes.
5. Salvinia molesta (aquatic plant, herb)
Population N/A
Life Span N/A
Growth Rate High. Reproduction can occur very quickly.
Environment Damage Pervasive aquatic fern that can greatly alter aquatic ecosystems which forms very thick surface mats and completely blocks light and oxygen penetration and impedes (obstruct) water flow, clogs water conveyance, and eliminates all other plant/fish species.
Natural Enemies None process to eliminate the first three species is very easy/simple. This is because the species with many natural enemies and/or slow growth rate and/or less environmental damage could be easily eliminated as they are least likely to be the 'worst' invasive specie. The first ones I would eliminate would be Aedes albopictus, Acacia melanoxylon, Acacia saligna, Salvinia molesta because these are the organisms that have the most natural enemies and are not very harmful to the environment. The specie that would be the most competitive for the competition would be the last or Solenopsis invicta because it has no natural predators and damages the environment heavily and reproduciton ocurs very fast. It damages and influences our daily life because RIFAs are attractive to electrical equipment. Air conditioners even traffic lights short out. Today, this world is a technological world which depends heavily on electricity, but if we find these RIFAs around the globe then most likely today's generation will be affected badly.